By linking your businesses Facebook account, you will unlock the ability to share your screen updates to your businesses Facebook page at the same time you update your TVs media, boosting the presence of in-venue offers/promotions and saving you time and effort managing each platform separately.


You will also be able to display your Facebook page’s feed on your TV/s, boosting social presence to customers inside your venue and keeping your screen content engaging. 


To link your businesses Facebook account to the my.screach portal, follow the walkthrough video or steps below:

1. Login to the My.Screach portal and navigate the specific venue you wish to link the Facebook account to (Note: You cannot batch link a Facebook account at a high level), then go to the ‘Dashboard’ area which is in the top navigation menu.


2. Now select ‘Update Profile’ located in the venue information section. At the bottom of this page, select ‘Link Account’ on the right of the Facebook (F) icon. Now, insert your Facebook credentials to login to your account (Note: If you have 2-factor authentication, you may need to enter your unique pin)


3. Once logged in, click ‘Continue as [your name]’ (Note: If your personal account is linked to multiple business pages, you can click ‘Edit Settings’ to select the specific page you wish to link and select ‘Done’ on the permissions page). This page will now close.


4. Once returned back to the my.screach portal, a pop up will appear saying ‘Select a Page’, now choose the page you wish to link and select ‘Link Page’.


5. You will then see the name of the Facebook business page you have linked in the bottom left of the page, indicating that you have successfully link the page. Finally, select ‘Save’ and confirm your changes. 


6. If you ever want to unlink your Facebook account, simply revisit the bottom of this ‘Update Profile’ page and select unlink account. 


Need additional support or having issues linking your businesses Facebook account? Or wish to upload your Facebook page feed to your TV/s. Please email our Customer Support Team at or call us on 0345 11 33 888.